COVID-19 Policy and Protocols
With respect to the current COVID-19 pandemic and given that Peace of Mind Mental Health Services is an essential business providing services in close contact with clients, it is necessary to implement vital precautionary measures, routine practices and protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases to ensure the safety off all families, clients and staff members.
Peace of Mind Mental Health Services recognizes that safeguarding the health of staff members, clients and families is of primary importance and as such is complying with all health regulatory guidelines, including continued mandated social distancing in order to responsibly provide mental health services. It is the responsibility of ALL staff, clients and family members to apply and adhere to the required routine practices and protocols outlined within this policy to minimize risk and ensure safety at all times.
Peace of Mind Mental Health Services will continue to monitor medical guidelines, news media releases and local health authorities on an ongoing basis and inform staff and clients of any changes via email, policy documents, letters etc.
Your therapist will be required to conduct regular self-screening and personal body temperatures of staff will be posted daily in the office. Any client attending in-office counselling sessions must complete a screening questionnaire prior to attending a scheduled appointment. If screening is not completed, the appointment may have to be cancelled. In addition, all clients attending in-office counselling sessions must have their body temperature taken by a staff member prior to entering a scheduled session. Any client registering a body temperature of 37.8 degrees celsius (or greater) will not be admitted to the office and the appointment will need to be rescheduled to a later date. Furthermore, signage is posted throughout the office to remind clients of signs and symptoms of COVID-19.
Limits of Confidentiality Related to COVID-19
Your therapist may be required to disclose client names, appointment dates, time of entry and departure to Public Health to aid in contact tracing should the therapist become aware that any client has a confirmed infection of COVID-19.
Physical Distancing and Personal Protective Equipment
In our office we do have a large enough space to maintain 2 metres apart. We ask that you do not move furniture in the waiting room in order to maintain 2 metre distancing.
Your appointment will be scheduled in a manner to prevent overlap with any other client attending our office. This protocol protects clients and allows the therapist time to disinfect any touched surfaces.
You may choose not to use the waiting room and instead wait in your vehicle until your scheduled in-office appointment time. You will be asked to state your preference in the pre-screening questionnaire which will be sent to you when your appointment is originally booked. Should you choose to wait in your vehicle, your therapist will call you when they are ready for you to come inside the building.
For any youth attending an in-office appointment, we ask for guardians and youth to meet your therapist at entrance door 2 of the main building (80 Bradford Street). Your therapist will then accompany the youth to our office. At the end of the appointment, the therapist will accompany the youth back to entrance door 2 to be picked up by guardians.
At Peace of Mind Mental Health Services we do accept cash and cheque, however we ask you to use the convenience of our contactless methods of payment such as e-transfer and credit cards with Stripe.
To protect clients and staff during in-office appointments, both yourself and your therapist will be required to wear a mask. It is currently mandatory in Ontario that everyone wear a mask. If you have issues wearing a mask for the length of the session, we ask you to contact us to discuss further options. Disposable masks will also be available for free at our office should you forget your own mask.
Upon entrance to our office you will be asked to use hand sanitizer.
Cleaning and Disinfection of Office
After each appointment all couches and chairs will be cleaned and disinfected. All common surfaces will also be cleaned and disinfected. Your therapist will wash and sanitize their hands after every in-office appointment.
Our policy and protocols have been developed using guidelines set out by the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers and the Ontario Ministry of Health.

Proud member of:
We enjoy working with people of all cultures, faith, gender identities, and sexual orientations.
80 Bradford Street, Suite 320, Barrie, ON L4N 6S7
Phone: 705-818-0991

Proud member of:

We enjoy working with people of all cultures, faith, gender identities, and sexual orientations.
80 Bradford Street, Suite 320, Barrie, ON L4N 6S7
Phone: 705-818-0991